- RPA computerizes the entire process of data collection from both internal and external sources. Hence, significantly reducing the time consumed for underwriting.
- Process and Business Analytics (with RPA, customer service response time and claims processing are improved seeing many clients benefit from the streamlined processes)
- Policy Admin and Servicing (RPA automates administrative and transactional parts of processes such as settlements, accounting, risk capture, tax, regulatory compliance, and credit control)
- Sales and Distribution (RPA helps to create sales scorecards to help push notifications to insurance agents and help supervise compliance)
- Finance and Accounts (RPA is built to carry out keystrokes, clicks, copy-pasting information, temple auto-fill, field entries, pressing buttons, and lots more. As a result, a larger percentage of daily bank reconciliations are automated, and transactional expenses are reduced including policy-cost footprint)
- Integration with Legacy Applications (RPA can fit perfectly into the prevailing workflow of insurance providers adapting to any type of system made available for use)