Sugar Producer:
Automating SAP functions with UiPath for the Manufacturing Industry
Germany, UK, Spain & Poland
hours of manual work saved/yearly
average process acceleration
Because of our agreement and NDA with the client, we can’t disclose the client's name or other details.
The client is one of the largest sugar producers in the world, with an annual production of around 4.8 million tonnes. The company has sugar factories located in many European countries.
The Challenge
The client is a big, multinational sugar production corporation.
There is a massive amount of time-consuming workflows within the organization. Each day, they process enormous amounts of documents and data. To manage their processes, they use industry-standard SAP software.
We were first approached by the partner’s team when they were just starting their SAP automation journey. At this point, they already had a couple of process automations delivered by another RPA vendor. Still, they were not fully satisfied with the outcome and sought an alternative partner.